

更新时间:2006-11-11 09:36:10作者:佚名




    I.由于词汇方面的原因而引起的加词现象:1.加动词由于英语是一门“静止”的语言,在所有的词汇当中,用名词的居多;而相比较而言,汉语则无此限制,不管有多少动词都可以并排使用。因此,许多英语的名词翻译成汉语时都要加上一些动词,否则,意思则很不完整,例如:a. But by 1981 hehad to have further surgery on his hand. And a month later, he suffered as stroke. (到了1981年,他的手不得不又做了一次手术。一个月以后,他又中风了。)

    b. His speech in at the meeting turned out exert an stimulating effect on the mindof the people present that day. (他那天在会上所做的报告使所有在场的人深受鼓舞。)

    c. He maintain that only hard work and unswerving perseverance can lead to improvedperformance.(他坚持认为,只有通过勤奋工作加上不懈的努力才会取得好的成绩。)

    d. The lives claimed by shoddy construction projects should be enough to put governmentsat all levels on the alert. (伪劣建筑夺取了很多人的生命,这一点足以使我们的各级部门提高警惕。)

    e. Efforts must be made to improve service for more than 1 million domestic and overseastourists. (为了一百万的国内外旅客的利益,我们一定为改善服务质量而进行努力。)

    f. You ought to know better than to go swimming straight after a meal.(你不应该一吃过饭,马上就去游泳,这是很不明智的。)


    a. Make a schedule or chart of you time and fill in committed time such as eating ,playing , meetings , classes, etc. (作一个时间表,然后,将吃饭、睡觉、开会、上课等等的时间填上。)

    b. It was two hours before the old couple mustered up enough courage to get up andcalled the police and they explained that they‘d done that after much deliberation.(直到两个小时以后,那对老夫妻才有勇气敢从床上爬起来给警察打电话,并解释说那也是经过仔细考虑才敢作的。)


    (The operation is believed to be the work of a well-organized organized group. )


    (I came here in the spirit of friendship and learning. )

    有时形容词前面也可以加上名词:e. His wife thinks that this furniture is too expensiveand , moreover looks very ugly.(他妻子认为,这件家具价格昂贵而且外表难看。)

    f. I thus appeared to them to be quite familiar with this sort of situation and itconfirmed them in their belief that I was a thoroughly disreputable character.(然后,我继续装着对这种事情很内行的样子,结果更使他们认定我是一个名声很坏的人。)

    有时,一些名词或者数量词的复数形式翻译成汉语后前面也要加词表示重叠:g. Thousands ofstudents from the city‘s colleges and universities jammed the railway station awaiting thearrival of their football team. (成千上万的高校学生一起涌到火车站欢迎他们的足球队凯旋。

    h. These she bought the medical supplies with the large sums of money given to herby many friends to help her in the Crimea (她用朋友们给她的一笔笔钱购买医疗设备。)

    i. To look after the hordes of sick men there were only a few old doctor who werehelpless before such scene of suffering and misery. (只有这些老医生来照看一群群的伤员,他们在如此的痛苦、悲伤面前,显得无可奈何。

    3.加代词:这里的代词主要是指作动词宾语的代词,因为英语中的所有及物动词都必须带有宾语,所以汉语翻译成英语时也需要增补:a. If you like this novel , I can lend it to you.(如果你喜欢这本小说,我可以借给你。)

    b. I think she‘d appreciate it if we all helped out a bit more.(我觉得如果我们能帮她一把,她回很感激的。)

    c. Would you please look for the key once more? I remembered clearly putting it inthe drawer last time. (能不能再找一遍钥匙?我记得上次放在抽屉里了。)

    4.加连词和介词:汉语可以通过上下文来连接句与句之间的逻辑关系,而英语则靠一些连接词来完成:a. If you want to go, I would give you my advice that you take an umbrella.(你要去,我建议你别忘了带把伞。)

    b. Since its opening five years ago , the shop has attracted a lot of customers.(这家商店五年前开业以来,吸引了大批顾客。)

    c. Since the beginning of this century, more and more scientists have become interestedin the way the human brain works. (本世纪以来,越来越多的科学家已经开始对人脑活动的方式感兴趣。)

    d. His friends asked him to write them as soon as he got there. (他的朋友要他到了那儿就给他们写信。)

    e. He went so far as to cheat openly on test. (他居然敢公开作弊。)

    f. The factory has decided to mass-produce the equipment at a low cost. (这家工厂已经决定低成本、大批量的生产这种仪器。)

    g. Why was he absent from school yesterday?




考生在写作时面临一些困境和问题,主要有以下几点: 一、滔滔不绝"意识流" 有一部分考生在考试时一见到作文题,便感到很对自己的胃口,觉得有很多内容要写。于是乎千言万语涌上心头,写着前一句想着后一句。往往前句尚未写完便接上了后一句,辛辛苦苦写了一大堆(甚至有写11个

2006-11-11 09:50



2006-11-11 09:49


国大学网站上提供的GRE单词列表 编者按:让我们来看看南德克萨斯州立大学(SouthwestTexasStateUniversity)所列出的GRE单词范围吧,你都认识吗? 希望有点借鉴价值! GREVOCABULARY aberrationanomaly,deviationfromstandard,irregularity,atypical abrogatedoawaywith a

2006-11-11 09:36


国大学网站上提供的GRE单词列表 编者按:让我们来看看南德克萨斯州立大学(SouthwestTexasStateUniversity)所列出的GRE单词范围吧,你都认识吗? 希望有点借鉴价值! GREVOCABULARY aberrationanomaly,deviationfromstandard,irregularity,atypical abrogatedoawaywith a

2006-11-11 09:36


首先:英语第一关--最最基本功但也是最最磨人心--"死去活来" 很形象啊,因为大多数人在这里来了又跑,跑了又来,反复好几次,不是死去活来好几次么? 此阶段要求牢牢掌握2000核心词汇和高中水平语法, 方法:没有~~~*#¥@下苦功吧 注意!在这阶段真的需要很辛苦,

2006-11-11 09:30


2006-09-07 14:32
