

更新时间:2006-11-11 09:36:10作者:佚名

编者按:让我们来看看南德克萨斯州立大学(Southwest Texas State University)所列出的GRE单词范围吧,你都认识吗?



aberration anomaly, deviation from standard, irregularity, atypical

abrogate do away with

abstemious sparing, moderate (in eating, drinking)

abstruse (recondite) concealed, deep, difficult to comprehend

accolade award, honor, high praise

accretion accumulation, enlargement, growth

adroitly skillfully

adulate admire excessively/slavishly, flatter

alacrity eagerness, readiness

alias assumed

allocate distribute, designate

allusion indirect reference to something else, hint (in literature)

ameliorate improve

amenable agreeable

arbiter one who arbitrates/decides, judge

ardor fervor, enthusiasm

assuage lessen the intensity of something

audacious bold, fearless

audacity (impertinence) boldness, reckless daring

auspicious (propitious) prosperous, favorable

aver prove truth of, state it is true

badger harass/annoy continuously, bait

baleful hurtful, malignant, sorrowful

beget bringsintosbeing, cause to exist


bereave deprive, leave desolate (through death)

brazenly boldly

brook tolerate

burnish polish

cacophony harsh sounding mixture of sounds

cajole deceptively persuade someone to do something he/she

declines to

candid (candor) free from prejudice/bias/malice, honest, fair

capricious unpredictable, momentarily changeable

chary cautious

circumlocution indirect expression, use of wordy/evasive language

coda distinct passage concluding a composition

cogent powerful

cognizant perceptive, observant

compliant yielding, submissive

composure ease

conciliatory peace making

conjoin join together

conjure summon, bringsintosbeing as if by magic

connoisseur expert (in art, taste)

consensus unanimity, near unanimity, complete accord in opinion

contentious argumentative

conundrum puzzle, riddle

corroborate confirm, back up with evidence

cower shrink

debacle violent, sudden breakdown/overthrow

debauchery intemperance, wild living

decorous in good taste, proper

deleterious (baleful) harmful, menacing

despondent desperate, hopeless

dire disastrous, horrible, ill-omened, extreme

dirge chant/song of sorrow/mourning, rites for the dead

disavow deny


disparage detract


ing depreciatory, derogatory, detraction

dispassionate passionless, impartial, neutral

divergent differing, deviating

doggerel loose, unskillful verse

dogma (doctrine) authoritative tenet, established opinion

dubious doubtful, questionable

eclectic drawn from many sources

edict decree, mandate, law, writ, command


effluvium escaping gas, noxious vapors

emaciation waste away, become thin/weak


emollient balm, salve, softening, soothing

enigma problem, puzzle, mystery

enmity (animosity) antagonism, hatred, antipathy

epicure one interested in fine foods

epithet descriptive

equivocal ambiguous, intentionally confusing

erratic (eccentric, fitful) inconsistent, unpredictable,

aimless, spasmodic, unusual, capricious

erudite scholarly, deeply learned

escrow legal agreement handled by 3rd party until conditions


euphemism use of nice words in place of distasteful ones

evanescent vanishing, fading, scarcely perceptible

exigent urgent

exonerate completely free from blame

exorbitant extravagant, immoderate

exploit milk, drain, exhaust

exposition (explication) setting forth meaning, explanation

extol celebrate, glorify [antonym - lambaste]

extricate loosen, release [antonym - intricate]

exuberant extremely joyful, vigorous, profuse in growth


faddish (fad) passing (fashion, craze)


feckless careless


fester blister, inflame, cancer

fickle deceitful, inconstant

fission splittingsintosparts

fissure narrow slit, crack, cleft


flippant shallow, disrespectful

flout disregard because of disrespect

flux substance aiding fusion


forbear refrain from, abstain


frivolous flimsy, trivial, lacking seriousness




考生在写作时面临一些困境和问题,主要有以下几点: 一、滔滔不绝"意识流" 有一部分考生在考试时一见到作文题,便感到很对自己的胃口,觉得有很多内容要写。于是乎千言万语涌上心头,写着前一句想着后一句。往往前句尚未写完便接上了后一句,辛辛苦苦写了一大堆(甚至有写11个

2006-11-11 09:50



2006-11-11 09:49


国大学网站上提供的GRE单词列表 编者按:让我们来看看南德克萨斯州立大学(SouthwestTexasStateUniversity)所列出的GRE单词范围吧,你都认识吗? 希望有点借鉴价值! GREVOCABULARY aberrationanomaly,deviationfromstandard,irregularity,atypical abrogatedoawaywith a

2006-11-11 09:36


国大学网站上提供的GRE单词列表 编者按:让我们来看看南德克萨斯州立大学(SouthwestTexasStateUniversity)所列出的GRE单词范围吧,你都认识吗? 希望有点借鉴价值! GREVOCABULARY aberrationanomaly,deviationfromstandard,irregularity,atypical abrogatedoawaywith a

2006-11-11 09:36


首先:英语第一关--最最基本功但也是最最磨人心--"死去活来" 很形象啊,因为大多数人在这里来了又跑,跑了又来,反复好几次,不是死去活来好几次么? 此阶段要求牢牢掌握2000核心词汇和高中水平语法, 方法:没有~~~*#¥@下苦功吧 注意!在这阶段真的需要很辛苦,

2006-11-11 09:30


2006-09-07 14:32
