

更新时间:2006-11-11 09:36:10作者:佚名



    1. Their accent couldn‘t fool a native speaker. A. 他们的口音不能愚弄本地人B.本地人是不会听不出他们是外乡人的。


    2. Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly person beautiful , nor is it a wayto make social problems evaporate.意译:砸镜子并不能解决实际问题。


    3.He felt a rush of fear churning his stomach.直译:他感到一阵恐惧涌上胃口意译:他感到一阵恐惧涌上心头

    4. He bent solely upon profit. A. 他只屈身与利润之前B.只有利润才使他低头。


    5. Would there be any possibility of having breakfast on the train before we are decantedin Munich ?



    6. He had about as much chance of getting a job as of being chosen mayor of Chicago.A.他找到工作的机会和当选芝加哥市长的机会差不多B.他找到工作的机会简直跟当选芝加哥市长同样困难。



    1.The administration was free corruption. 这届政府没有腐败现象

    2. Wet paint. 油漆未干

    3.I remained confused about the problem.这个问题我还是不懂

    4. They are dependent on each other.他们谁也离不开谁

    5. He is far from what I expected.他远不是我想象的那样。

    6. let bygones be bygones.既往不咎

    7. As was expected, he passed the exam easily. 果不出所料,他轻而易举地通过了考试

    8.We will live up to what our Patty expects of us.我们决不辜负党对我们的期望。

    9. I hate the lack of privacy in the dorrnitory.我讨厌宿舍里没有独处的机会。

    10. You evidently think otherwise.你显然有不同的看法

    11. He will die of hunger before he will steal. 他宁愿饿死,也不愿去偷。

    12. That little bridge is anything but safe.那座桥一点也不安全。

    13. So far from taking my advice, he went and did just what I warned in ~ainit.他不但不听我的劝告,反而去做了我警告他不要做的事情。

    14. He was more frightened than hurt. 他没有受什么伤,倒是受惊不小


    15. Don't unstring your shoes.把鞋带系上

    16. Ml the teachers , without exception are to attend the meet Sunday. 所有的老师都要参加星期五的会议。

    17. She carne into the room without shoes on. 她光脚走进了房间。

    18. The doctor lost no tune in getting the sick man to hospital.医生立即把病人送往医院。

    19. I have no doubt that you will succeed.我相信你会成功。

    20. It's no distance at all to the school , only a short walk. 从这到学校很近,只需要很短一段路。



考生在写作时面临一些困境和问题,主要有以下几点: 一、滔滔不绝"意识流" 有一部分考生在考试时一见到作文题,便感到很对自己的胃口,觉得有很多内容要写。于是乎千言万语涌上心头,写着前一句想着后一句。往往前句尚未写完便接上了后一句,辛辛苦苦写了一大堆(甚至有写11个

2006-11-11 09:50



2006-11-11 09:49


国大学网站上提供的GRE单词列表 编者按:让我们来看看南德克萨斯州立大学(SouthwestTexasStateUniversity)所列出的GRE单词范围吧,你都认识吗? 希望有点借鉴价值! GREVOCABULARY aberrationanomaly,deviationfromstandard,irregularity,atypical abrogatedoawaywith a

2006-11-11 09:36


国大学网站上提供的GRE单词列表 编者按:让我们来看看南德克萨斯州立大学(SouthwestTexasStateUniversity)所列出的GRE单词范围吧,你都认识吗? 希望有点借鉴价值! GREVOCABULARY aberrationanomaly,deviationfromstandard,irregularity,atypical abrogatedoawaywith a

2006-11-11 09:36


首先:英语第一关--最最基本功但也是最最磨人心--"死去活来" 很形象啊,因为大多数人在这里来了又跑,跑了又来,反复好几次,不是死去活来好几次么? 此阶段要求牢牢掌握2000核心词汇和高中水平语法, 方法:没有~~~*#¥@下苦功吧 注意!在这阶段真的需要很辛苦,

2006-11-11 09:30


2006-09-07 14:32
