

更新时间:2006-09-01 11:31:16作者:未知

  "Finished 8th in my high school graduating class of 10."
  "Qualifications: No education or experience."
  "I am relatively intelligent, obedient and loyal as a puppy."
  "My compensation should be at least equal to my age."
  "Reason for Leaving: It had to do with the IRS, FBI and SEC."
  "Fired because I fought for lower pay."
  "Size of employer: Very tall, probably over 65" .
  "Please disregard the enclosed resume-it is terribly out of date."
  "Reason for Leaving: My boss said the end of the world is near."
  "Reason for Leaving: The owner gave new meaning to the word paranoia. I prefer to elaborate privately."

  "Here are my qualifications for you to overlook."
  "Strengths: Ability to meet deadlines while maintaining composer."
  "I am a rabid typist."
  "Work History: Performed brain wave tests,1879-1981."
  "After receiving advice from several different angels, I have decided to pursue a new line of work."
  "Accounting cleric."
  "As indicted, I have over five years of experience analyzing investments."
  "Suspected to graduate earlynce analyzing investments."
  "Suspected to graduate early next year."
  "Disposed of $2.5 billion in assets."
  "Proven ability to track down and correct erors."
  "Accomplishments: Oversight of entire department."
  "Am a perfectionist and rarely if if ever forget details."
  "Accomplishments: Completed 11 years of high school."

  "Note: Keep this resume on top of the stack. Use all others to heat your house."
  "Assisted in daily preparation of large quantities of consumable items in a fast-paced setting." (Translation: Short-order cook.)
  "But wait...theres more. You get all this business knowledge plus a grasp of marketing that is second nature."
  "I have an excellent track record, although I am not a horse."
  "My fortune cookie said, Your next interview will result in a job-and I like your company i


n particular."
  "Title: Another resume from the Profiles in Excellence series."
  "Also Known As: Mr. Productivity, Mr. Clever, Mr.Fix-it."
  "Trustworthy references available upon request-if I give them a few bucks."
  "Lets meet so you can ooh and ahh over my experience."





个人简历模板 个人概况: 求职意向; ________________ 姓名: ________________ 性别: ________ 出生年月: ____年 __月__日 所在地区: ___________ 学历: _______________ 专业: __________________ 婚姻状况: _______________ 目前年薪: __________________ 联系方

2008-06-08 02:41


你是不是正在为自己的简历总也不能脱颖而出而烦恼?是不是正在为过不了面试而发愁?相信这位招聘者的体会对各位求职者大有帮助。s0100 潘丽达:工商管理硕士,上海启明软件股份有限公司人力资源经理。潘女士1991年加入启明,是资深的人力资源经理,有丰富的招聘培训经验

2006-11-18 13:15



2006-11-18 13:14


我刚写完履历表,刚有点想活动一下的意思,可是竟让我看见了一个叫彼得·伯恩斯坦的家伙做的“调查”,调查人事经理阅读每份履历表所花的时间,介于三十秒至四分钟。咳!似乎我的履历表有点“那个”,不仔细看,看不出名堂,仔细看恐怕要半小时。帮帮我! 亲爱的:就象

2006-11-18 13:13



2006-11-18 13:11


写简历是求职者走向成功的“敲门砖”。按照以下步骤去做,相信您一定能够完成一份动人的应聘书。 选择目标。先决定你要什么样的工作,然后写在一张白纸上。这个目标没必要一定要出现在你的简历上。有时候,写在自荐信上会更好。如果你知道你想要什么样的工作,在简历上

2006-11-18 13:11
