

更新时间:2006-09-05 15:01:21作者:未知


关键词:私营  企业  持续  发展

The private enterprises will continually develop in China


With the open door policy and economy development of our country, more and more private enterprises have set up in China. Suning corp. is a typical and successful of them. Also, it has built a good sample for us. This paper is enucleating that the private enterprises will have brilliant future and continuous development as long as they run in right way. That is what we have learnt from Suning case.

Key words: private  enterprises  continually  develop



摘要                                                                        Ⅰ

Abstract                                                                    Ⅱ

引论                                                                        1

一、政策的开放,法律的完善是苏宁形成的根本                                   1

二、规范的组织机构,是苏宁快速成长的源泉                                    2

三、以人为本的管理战略,是苏宁做大做强的核心                                2

(一)以人为本 尊重员工主体意识                                             2

(二)以人为本 增强凝聚力                                                   2

(三)以人为本 唯贤是用                                                     3

(四)以人为本 构筑施展舞台                                                 3

(五)以人为本 采用科学激机制                                               3

结论                                                                        3

参考文献                                                                    4


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本文标签: 企业  发展