

更新时间:2006-01-16 16:08:34作者:未知

[3] 参见《参考消息》2004年7月1日第16版,欧盟对中国市场经济地位说“不”。

[4] 数字来源,同脚注1。

[5] 鹏文革、徐文芳著:《倾销与反倾销法论》,武汉大学出版社(1997),第120页。

[6] Scort Andersan, Signifant Changes or Status Quo? Impact of China Draft Protocl Provision on Anti-dumping and Special Product and Textile Safeguards on Chinese Producers and Exporters in Proceeding before the U.S. Department of Commerce”, paper prepared for World Bank Seminar, Beijing, China, 25 October 2000, p20.

[7] John H.Jackson (co-editor), Legal Problems of International Economic Relations 3rd edn., (New Yor West Publishing, 1995) at p 1139.

[8] Cynthia M. Horne, “Belief Stasis as an Impediment to Policy Implementation: Non-Market Economies and Western Trade Laws” , Prepared for International Studies Association Conference,March 2002, New Orleans.

[9] 参见 Piet Eeckhout, European Anti-Dumping Law and China, (1997) 7 EIOP Section IV.

[10] Alexander Polouekiov,Non-Market Economy Issues in the WTO Anti-Dumping Law and Accession Negotiation – Revival of a Two-tier Membership?, Journal of World Trade 36(1), 2002, P.7.

[11] 参见网站

[12] Alexander Polouekiov,Non-Market Economy Issues in the WTO Anti-Dumping Law and Accession Negotiation – Revival of a Two-tier Membership?, Journal of World Trade 36(1), 2002,  Table 3, P.30

[13] Alexander Polouekiov,Non-Market Economy Issues in the WTO Anti-Dumping Law and Accession Negotiation – Revival of a Two-tier Membership?, Journal of World Trade 36(1), 2002, P.19.

[14] 马勇、徐长玉、武忠远编著:《政治经济学新教程》,西北大学出版社(2000),第235页。

[15] O.J. L 385 du 31/12/1974.

[16] Council Regulation (EC) No 905/98 of 27 April 1998 amending Regulation (EC) No 384/96 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community. O.J.1998 L 128/18.


[17] 2002年12月5日,欧共体理事会通过了欧共体第1972号条例,正式承认俄罗斯为市场经济国家,具有完全的市场经济待遇。参见Council Regulation (EC) 1972/2002 of November 5, 2002 amending Regulation (EC)384/96 on the Protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community, (2002) O.J.L 305/1. 2000年10月9日,欧共体理事会通过了欧共体第2238号条例,把越南、乌克兰和哈萨克从非市场经济国家的名单中排除出去。参见Council Regulation (EC) 2238/2000 of October 9 , 2000 amending regulation (EC) 384/96 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community, (2000) O.J.L 257/2. 至此,在欧共体反倾销制度中被认为是非市场经济国家包括:阿尔巴尼亚、亚美尼亚、阿塞拜疆、格鲁吉亚、摩尔达维亚、北朝鲜、塔吉克、土库曼。这一列举并没有穷尽,参见Beseler and Williams,Anti-Dumping and Anti-Subsidy Law:the European Communities,P54。古巴在有的案件中被认为是非市场经济国家,处于一种比较特殊的地位。


[18] Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) 384/96 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community, COM(2000)363 final of June 15, 2000, at para. 6 of the Explanatory Memorandum.
[19] Robert M..MacLean, “Evaluating the Impact of the EC’s Conditional Market Economy principle in Chinese and Russian Anti-Dumping Cases”(2001)7(3),Int.T.L.R.65 at p68.

[20] Council Regulation (EC) No 461/2004 of 8 March 2004 amending Regulation (EC) No 384/96 on protection against dumped imports from countries not members of the European Community and Regulation (EC) No 2026/97 on protection against subsidized imports from countries not members of the European Community, OJ L077, 13/03/2004 p.0012-0020.





2008-05-20 20:59



2008-05-20 20:53



2008-04-16 10:31


[摘要]本文对造成清末司法制度半殖民地化的领事裁判权、观审、会审制进行了详细论述,并简单介绍了列强在华设立的领事法庭。还以天津教案为例,以从中折射出的清末司法制度问题,着重补充论证了这一问题 [Summary]this text review, conducted trial jointly to make t

2008-04-16 10:28


Abstract This text review, conducts trial jointly to make to carry on detailed treatise towards resulting in in the late Ching dynasty judicial sovereignty can'ting independent consular jurisdiction, view, and introduce great powers in brief to e

2008-04-16 10:27


摘要 中国自1978年实行改革开放以来,经济和进出口贸易在持续快速增长。但是在我国对外贸易迅速增长发展的同时,外国对中国出口产品开展反倾销调查的案件迅速增加。但是与此同时,我国市场也在遭受着大量外国企业产品倾销的冲击,因此,应用合理的法律手段抵制不公

2008-04-16 10:24
