

更新时间:2006-09-05 15:39:55作者:未知

I plan to begin my Ph. D. Degree study in your Biophysics program in the fall term of 1995 and wish to obtain the degree within five years or so .

Biophysics develops fast with the fruits of modern physics and chemistry. There is a wide range of fascinating questions in understanding life systems. During these years' study at Tsinghua University, I constantly tried to improve myself through independent reading. This kept me well informed of the latest development in Biophysics which attracts me a lot.

E. Schrodinger's famous work "What is Life" let me think a lot of questions in Biophysics. Up to now, physicist have made great success in studying simple periodic crystals, but for the complex biological structures possess both aperiodicity and order such as DNA, there still exist many challenges. Why these aperiodic matter can control the life strictly and precisely? Why a small amount of nature catalyst-enzyme can be far more efficient than plenty of man-made catalysts? Is the growth of life determined by genetic materials or by self-assembly or by both of them? From the book "Liquid Crystals and Biological Structures" written by Glenn H.Brown and Jerome J.Wolken, I got deeper understanding of biological structures which possess both mobility and long-range structure order, respond to a variety of external stimuli just like the properties of liquid crystals. The striking architecture at the molecular level shows there is a common physical-chemical origin for all life systems. The oriented molecules in liquid crystals furnish an ideal medium for catalytic action, particularly of the complex type needed to account for growth and reproduction. Water, especially the weak hydrogen bond plays critical role in all organism. It determines the protein folding, stabilizes the double helix structure of DNA. If we substitute deuterium for hydrogen, the biological system may be destroyed.

Many physical and mathematical approaches can be applied to biology such as the quantum mechanics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics, information theory. But a basic difficult by using the non-equilibrium thermodynamics in biology is the spatial heterogeneity in biological systems and the feedback existing in all kinds of reactions and processes. Condensed Matter Physics also concerns closely with Biophysics. The theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena can be used to explain problems such as how the temperature of the phase transition of lipids from the solid state to the liquid crystalline depends on the fatty acid composition.

On the other hand, researches in biophysics also push forward the development of physics, lead to more applications in bionics such as AI and neural network

Now I am doing my Diploma Thesis at the I


nstitute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Science. My Topic is about investigating coherent backscattering in a random scattering medium by the He-New laser. Light in certain dielectric microstructures exhibits localized modes, similar to the localized wave function of electrons in disordered solids-Anderson Localization. The propagation of light in a scattering medium can be described as random walk of photons with the direction of each succeeding step determined by the laws of probability. The Topic spans the disciplines of Condensed Matter Physics and Quantum Opties. I have absorbed a lot of relative knowledge such as random walk, peroration models stochastic process to prepare for my project .I think the method I dynamics of chemical reactions.

Since my background focused on physics, mathematics, electronics, lasers and optics, I have taught myself some beginning biology and chemistry courses this year, discussed them with teacher sin the Dept of Biological Science and Technology at Tsinghua University I would also like to take more basic courses in this field under your guidance to make up my deficiency. From college guides I learned with pleasure that you had strong faculty with a variety of background in physics, chemistry, mathematics and electrical engineering. It is often in the multi-disciplinary research that came the most exciting discovery. Your group also provides outstanding opportunities for close interaction between graduate students and faculty. That is why I deem your program as my best choice. Besides, I want to link modern biophysics with Chinese Medicine to get comprehensive understanding of life. 





尊敬的领导: 我向学校提出“优秀毕业生”荣誉称号的申请。我叫张祖锦,学号:1301030106,数学与应用数学0301班学生。申请理由如下: 学习方面 成绩:我顺利修够了学校教务处安排的数学专业所要求的主修课和选修课的学分、文化素质课的学分。大学期间,没有补考课程,

2007-06-14 15:28



2007-06-14 15:27


系级优秀毕业生申请书 姓名:李明祥 班级:外语系 02 级( 3 )班 2007 年6月1日 尊敬的系领导: 李明祥,男,系西北第二民族学院外国语言文学系 02 级( 3 )班学生。曾在院、系学生会工作,本班学习委员,中共党员。 转眼间,四年大学时光马上就要结束了。在这四年里

2007-06-14 15:25


尊敬的XX学院领导: 时光荏苒,岁月嬗递。转眼间大学生活即将结束。在这四年里,我认真学习专业知识,刻苦钻研学问;踊跃参加学校组织各项的动,群策群力;对学校和学院下达的各项任务积极配合,认真落实;同时我注意团结同学,尊敬师长;而且不断地提高自己的个人能力

2007-06-14 15:20


姓名 性别 单位 湖南省劳动厅印制 书写自传的说明 一、职工自传,是组织上全面地、历史地了解职工的重要材料。因此,在书写自传时,应以忠诚老实的态度,实事求是地将自己的历史情况和成长过程写清。 二、自传是根据每个人的具体情况,将自己的历史分为若干个阶段,进

2006-11-28 15:32


今天我听老师讲了长征的故事,还回家上网查了有关长征的资料,使我了解了什么是长征,中国红军为了革命不怕牺牲和坚韧不拔的精神深深地打动了我. 红军是一个被称为天下无敌的队伍,红军是一个能刻服一切困难的队伍,红军是一个不怕牺牲的队伍,红军是一个创造举世无双的壮举:

2006-11-01 19:17
